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Laser dentistry


Laser dentistry: trust our practice in Brussels

The laser is increasingly used in dentistry for many different treatments. Even if it does not quite replace traditional tools such as the cutter and the roulette, the laser has many advantages. The procedure precisely reaches the targeted tissues and reduces the risk of damage to healthy tissue. Different types of laser (eg diode laser, CO2, Er-Yag, biostimulation) are used depending on the intended purpose.

The lasers serve as an ultra-precise cutting instrument or as a heat source (to speed up teeth whitening). Depending on its wavelength, the laser is absorbed immediately at the point of impact or penetrates more or less deeply into the tissues. The latest generations of dental lasers make it possible to treat both soft tissues (gums, mucous membranes) and hard tissues (enamel, bone, etc.).

Main uses of laser dentistry

● Treatment of cavities: the laser is used to treat cavities and prepare the tooth for the placement of a filling. This treatment is painless and can be performed without anesthesia.
● Scaling: elimination of dental plaque
● Treatment of periodontitis: the laser is used to clean the supporting tissue and remove tartar and bacteria. It has fewer side effects than surgical treatment.
● Biopsy or micro-ablation of tissue or lesions: the laser can be used to remove a small piece of tissue for examination purposes. It also eliminates lesions in the mouth and relieves the pain of canker sores.
● Teeth whitening: the laser can speed up the whitening treatment by activating the gel.
● Disinfection during root canal treatment or extractions
● Treatment of gingival hyperpigmentation for aesthetic purposes

Advantages of laser in dental care

Compared to traditional dental tools, the laser causes less pain, which limits the use of anesthesia and the feeling of numbness after the session. Above all, it offers more comfort, as it is less impressive for anxious patients with regard to the vibrations and noise of the famous dental wheel. Bleeding and swelling are limited as part of the soft tissue treatment, which improves regeneration and healing. Antibacterial action reduces side effects. In addition, it allows disinfection of periodontal pockets and root canals in the context of devitalization. The laser is also very precise and protects healthy tissue around the area to be treated. A laser treatment is therefore overall less invasive and safer, and can even reduce the number of treatment sessions required. Ask your dentist for laser advice at our clinic.

Dr. Benjamin PERELLE

Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Perelle directly via WhatsApp or by phone for any request for information or appointment. He will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.